I've been using the Shiseido Ultmune Power Infusing Serum Concentrate for a little under 3 weeks now. 

Check back to my Part 1 for my first impression review if you haven’t already.

Final thoughts - I’ve definitely noticed my skin looking more even toned which has made me feel more comfortable when not wearing makeup at all. My skin is has definitely felt smoother and softer since I’ve started using this. It’s winter where I live right now and I usually have super dry skin, this has helped keep my skin soft and moisturized without feeling like an oil slick. I have no issues with wearing makeup over it. I apply half a pump during the day before putting my makeup on and mainly concentrate on my under eyes. 

It is a bit more expensive than other moisturizers I’ve tried. I’ll continue to use it until I’ve finished it all up but only during my nighttime routine. 

Here are 2 photos from Day 1 and Day 16.


DAY 16

My Nighttime Skincare Routine -

1. Remove eye makeup - https://amzn.to/3H7Ck6j
2. Wash face - https://amzn.to/3qDpoPQ
3. Cleanser - Pixi Glow Tonic
4. Moisturizer/Serum - Shiseido Ultmune Power Infusing Serum Concentrate

If you have a product you’d like to review! Let me know! I love trying out new beauty items! 

- With Love 💕 Jlyn

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